who we are
Message From CEO
Welcome to MACOL!
We are so delighted you are here. As you browse our website, I hope you gain more understanding about the qualities that make our company an outstanding provider of essential community services and a wonderful place to build a career for many Tanzanians from different backgrounds around the country.
The vision which lead ultimately to the formation of the Mzurikwao Agricultural Company Limited (MACOL) with Tanzanian registration number of 138935, commenced in 2014. In that year I travelled back to visit Tanzania where I had been born. With my geology and hydrology skills gained in Australia, I had passion to help my people in a big village of Kitanga in the District Council of Kasulu in the Kigoma region to get potable water from aquifer. The village was also struggling with transport to other places as the only available transport by then was only by motorcycles which was very expensive and unsafe. I was the first person to provide reliable commuter vehicles in that village and it didn’t only drive down fare prices but helped many people to safely access to crucial places such as better health facilities, town markets, schools, etc.
But I didn’t stop there and thought to expand my vision. So in 2017, three years later, the decision was made to find ways to create jobs for the young unemployed people in the local communities. There are so many talented and educated young people who don’t have payable jobs. So MACOL was born. My wife and I have been supporting locals through MACOL since that time. As of 2023, MACOL now has more than 20 permanent employees, plus many casual and seasonal workers. I make a practice of visiting these workers every year.
As the local work expanded, many challenges were encountered. Just one of these was the lack of employees with even basic information technology (IT) skills. This means, of course, that few were equipped to operate computers or to access technology. We have found that this problem seemed to be the direct result of many locals only having a very limited education in IT. To address this problem, it was thought that a school should be commenced, through which the education of the local people could be taken to another level. And so Kasulu Pentecostal Secondary School (KAPESS) was born (registration S2181). The school’s vision is to educate students to a higher level reflecting national and international educational values. We will teach IT to all students for free something not to be seen elsewhere in the region! As someone who had been educated both in Tanzania and Australia, I well know what it takes to excel an outstanding education.
We are not doing all that because we’re so rich but because our determination to help and make ourselves strive so that others can emerge from poverty and bring hope to community and the company too. It hasn’t been a cruise journey but I was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr’s quote: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” We have achieved of all we have now by our (My wife and myself) own funds but we are looking other avenues to expand our company so we can reach out to many people who are still struggling. To achieve this, I have very recently started a campaign to seek financial support from our friends and individuals who can play big or small role in this marvellous deed. Your any contribution and support will put MACOL to another great level.
I am very proud to lead the MACOL family and I encourage you to find out more about us. We are on Facebook and Instagram too! If you would like an informal discussion about joining our fast growing family of MACOL or making unforgettable impact, please contact me using details given at the bottom of every page or in the “Contact” page.
Thank you very much,
Anderson Joel Mzurikwao, Chief Executive Officer